Free Criminal Defense Information

As your lawyer, I will take great care to provide you with the information you need to feel educated about the process as you move forward with your criminal defense case. To begin, feel free to review the in-depth information referenced within this area.

What Can The Police Charge Me With?

A person who has been stopped by the police may be ticketed for a “civil infraction,” may be ticketed or arrested for a “petty offense” or “misdemeanor,” or may be arrested for a “felony,” or may be released. It is possible for the person to later be charged, when the police complete their investigation. Sometimes, the person will be informed…

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What Happens If I Am Stopped by the Police?

When Will The Police Stop A Person? Generally, the police will stop a person for committing a traffic violation, for suspicion of being engaged in criminal activity, or to arrest the person for a crime. After being stopped by the police, a person will typically be questioned. Can The Police Stop And Question People Who Are Not Under Arrest? Yes.…

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How Are Criminal Charges Filed?

Criminal proceedings take place in a series of stages. Usually, the police are responding to a citizen’s complaint that a crime has been committed. Sometimes, the police observe suspicious activity. Once they are called, or see something suspicious, the police investigate, take statements from witnesses, and prepare a report on their findings. At times, they will arrest people during the…

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