Consult the Charles Johnson Law Firm as soon as possible if you or a loved one has been arrested or charged with a criminal offense. Getting legal guidance is essential to make certain that a defendant’s legal rights are safeguarded.

Consult the Charles Johnson Law Firm as soon as possible if you or a loved one has been arrested or charged with a criminal offense. Getting legal guidance is essential to make certain that a defendant’s legal rights are safeguarded.
Many men and women wonder why an individual arrested for a criminal offense probably would not testify in their own court trial. The most appropriate answer is that testifying can open the flood gates to virtually all kinds of detrimental evidence. Such evidence would otherwise be inadmissible. This dangerous step is designated “opening the door”. Whether or not a defendant’s…
Completing a jail term or paying a fine may be just part of the cost of a criminal conviction. The conviction may also impact post-conviction occupation opportunities. However, there are employers that would like to give those with criminal records a chance in a suitable environment.
Hire the Charles Johnson Law Firm! Generally, prostitution is the act of participating in sexual activity by an individual for a fee or a thing of economic value. However the scope of the crime of prostitution has been widened to include virtually all prostitution related offenses. As a result a person is considered to commit a criminal offense of prostitution…
The government is leading a well funded fight against drugs that measures its victory by the quantity of arrests made and the size of drug busts. The popularity of drugs leads many people to think of drug crimes as modest offenses. Drug manufacturing charges are pursued very seriously at both the federal and state level. If the quantity is sufficient,…