Federal and state laws make it a crime to produce, possess, distribute, or sell pornographic materials that exploit or portray a minor. Increasingly, child pornography laws are being utilized to punish use of computer technology and the Internet to obtain, share, and distribute pornographic material involving children, including images and films. Under federal law (18 U.S.C. §2256), child pornography is defined…
The Federal crime of Money Laundering is traditionally understood to be the practice of filtering “dirty” money, or ill-gotten gains, through a series of transactions until the funds are “clean,” or appear to be proceeds from legal activities. The United States Criminal Code takes a broader stance towards money laundering, and criminalizes knowingly engaging in a broad array of financial transactions…

Conspiracy is one of the most often used crimes in the arsenal of the United State’s Attorneys Office. This all encompassing charge has the ability to touch almost every Federal Crime. Common conspiracy charges include: Conspiracy to deal in illegal narcotics, Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute Cocaine, Crack Cocaine, Marijuana, or Methamphetamine. Conspiracy to commit Mail Fraud, Wire Fraud, Health Care Fraud, and Tax…
Hire the Charles Johnson Law Firm! Experienced Criminal Lawyer Charles Johnson can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your Free Case Review and Consultation. Call us at 713-222-7577 or toll free at 877-308-0100. Major Credit Cards Accepted.Easy Payment Plans Available. Drug distribution/transporting laws penalize the selling, transport, and unlawful import of unlawful controlled substances into…