Even though prostitution is (initially) a misdemeanor, a conviction can be devastating. A sex related criminal record can damage a person’s career and family life. If you are facing prostitution or solicitation of prostitution in Houston, Texas, you will find an aggressive, experienced, and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney in Attorney Charles Johnson.
At least once a year a case involving allegations of a sexual relationship between a teacher and student comes blaring across the metro section of the paper. Although the relationships are typically consensual, the teacher is prosecuted under a specific provision of the penal code prohibiting an Improper Relationship Between Educator & Student. It is important to note that the…
If there is reason to believe that you have been charged with a crime, you may wish to have an attorney contact the police or prosecutor to find out if a warrant has been issued for your arrest. Many people who have been charged with criminal offenses do not find out about the charges until they are stopped for traffic…
After being arrested, a person is “booked” by the police. Ordinarily, the police obtain identifying information from the suspect, such as his name, address, telephone number and driver’s license number. The person is checked for outstanding warrants for other offenses. Usually, the police take the suspect’s photograph and fingerprints. They make a record of this information, along with the nature…
A person who has been stopped by the police may be ticketed for a “civil infraction,” may be ticketed or arrested for a “petty offense” or “misdemeanor,” or may be arrested for a “felony,” or may be released. It is possible for the person to later be charged, when the police complete their investigation. Sometimes, the person will be informed…